Stacy Slaten is an artist and Associate Professor of Drawing and Painting at Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria, Virginia.
“I am interested in the content that the human figure implies through the body and of the self. The body is a vessel that carries everything we are inside and out, both substantial and unsubstantial. I love the anatomy of the body for its expressive potential and am taking that investigation currently into the anatomy of birds and connections between parrots and people.”
Stacy’s drawings are exhibited nationally across the country from galleries and museums such as Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT; Impasto Art Gallery, Longmont, CO; Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA; Ellen Noel Art Museum, Odessa, TX to local places like Del Ray Artisans Gallery, Alexandria, VA and Vienna Arts Society, Vienna, VA.
She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting, another in Jewelry Design and Metalsmithing, and one in Human Sciences at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, where she is from. She then earned a Master of Fine Arts in Painting from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Stacy has taught in Ohio, Texas, and now, Virginia. Currently, she lives in Alexandria with her parrot and continues to investigate drawing as a primary expression.
Information on projects and commissions available upon request…