365 Days: A Love Affair with Drawing
365 Days: A love Affair with Drawing
This work was an on-going project titled 365 Days: A Love Affair with Drawing. It began on February 14, 2012 and ended February 13, 2013. Each day served as a re-investigation and re-discovery of my love of drawing, particularly the human figure. I am an artist and educator, and, like many other artists, I continually face the challenge of carving out time and space for my work within the demands of life and a full-time job, however grateful I am for teaching. This project helped provide a means and method to deal with that challenge.
The work speaks of process: layers of time, layers of work, and layers of material. The body of work hung on a traditional wire clothesline with wooden clothes pins one day after another, one drawing after another to represent daily work and form a pattern of repetition much like a calendar spread out in continuity. The daily drawings form a visual diary and dialog of reconnection to my first love, drawing.

February 14, 18 x 24", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
August 2, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
August 29, 12 x 16", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
August 3, 20 x 16", 2012, graphite on paper
July 15, 8 x 12", 2012, graphite on paper

April 28, 16 x 20", 2012, watercolor and watercolor pencil
July 31, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper

April 25, 16 x 22", 2012, watercolor and watercolor pencil
August 15, 12 x 16", 2012, graphite on paper

April 30, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
August 16, 20 x 16", 2012, graphite on paper

April 27, 10 x 10", 2012, watercolor and watercolor pencil
April 18, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
April 22, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
June 29, 8 x 12", 2012, graphite on paper
August 27, 12 x 14", 2021, Prismacolor on paper

April 13, 18 x 24", 2012, graphite on paper

April 13, 12 x 16", 2012, graphite on paper

April 19, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
August 11, 12 x 16", 2012, graphite on paper
October 10, 12 x 14", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
September 14, 12 x 14", 2012, prismacolor on paper
August 24, 12 x 14", 2012, graphite on paper

February 28, 18 x 24", 2021, graphite on paper
September 27, 12 x 16", 2012, Prismacolor on paper

August 17, 12 x 18", 2012, graphite on paper
September 13, 12 x 18", 2012, graphite on paper
September 25, 9 x 12", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
September 26, 9 x 12", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
September 23, 9 x 12", 2012, Prismacolor on paper

March 29, 10 x 14", 2012, graphite on paper

May 4, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper

May 5, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper

March 30, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
September 9, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
September 8, 5 x 7", 2012, graphite on paper
September 12, 12 x 16", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
September 5, 12 x 16", 2012, Prismacolor on paper

March 28, 8 x 10", 2012, graphite on paper
June 17, 18 x 24", 2012, Prismacolor on paper
June 2, 18 x 24", 2012, ink on paper

March 5, 12 x 16", 2012, Prismacolor on paper